• -23.35%
Wallbarz Eco 2.1 gymnastic ladder EG-WW-Eco 2.1
Wallbarz Eco 2.1 gymnastic ladder EG-WW-Eco 2.1
Wallbarz Eco 2.1 gymnastic ladder EG-WW-Eco 2.1

Wallbarz Eco 2.1 gymnastic ladder EG-WW-Eco 2.1

Available from 4 to 10 days
€436.91 €570.00 -23.35%
Tax included
Wallbarz Eco 2.1 gymnastic ladder EG-WW-Eco 2.1
  • White
  • one size




  • Does your child have an abundance of energy? Or maybe you would like it to be more active? Does your child spend too much time in front of electronic devices? Or maybe it is difficult for him to find a job on long winter evenings? You are looking for a gift for a child, but you don't want it to be just another gadget
  • The Wallbarz Eco 2.1 multifunctional set for play, climbing and physical exercises is a modern sports wall bar, designed for
  • Every parent wants their child to be healthy, active and successful. With the Wallbarz Eco 2.1 ladder, these goals will be even easier to achieve. ThSet contains:
  • wall ladder,
  • horizontal bar
  • gymnastic line
  • rope ladder
  • gymnastic handlesHEALTHY DEVELOPMENT
  • Pom
  • Dzieki naszym zestawom treningowym, mozesz we wlasnym domu zaspokoic potrzeby ruchowe dziecka, a wspierajac i dopingujac jego dzialania, stworzysz porozumienie i wiez, która wplynie pozytywnie na Wasze relacje. Dbasz wiec nie tylko o zdrowie calej rodziny, ale takze budujesz dom pelen ciepla, milosci, wzajemnego zrozumienia i zaufania.ACTIVE INSTEAD OF INTERACTIVE
  • Nasi eksperci badali cechy dzieci w kazdym wieku i opracowali sprzet do cwiczen w domu, który bedzie wplywal na ich rozwój fizyczny i psychiczny, co jest szczególnie wazne w dobie postepu technologicznego i komputeryzacji swiata. Nasze produkty zostaly zaprojektowane i stworzone po to, aby zachecac dzieci i mlodziez do zycia w prawdziwym, a nie wirtualnym swiecie. W swiecie, w którym beda prowadzily zdrowy tryb zycia, pelen aktywnosci fizycznej.SIMPLE, DURABLE AND HIGHEST QUALITY
  • The set has been designed so that it can be easily installed even in a confined space.
  • Assembly is quick and easy. You just need to connect all the elements and then assemble them according to the instructions. The enclosed instruction manual ensures correct and safe installation of the ladder.
  • All items are made of high quality productSAFETY AND CERTIFICATES
  • Safety is our priority. All ladders are tested and have the necessary certificates of compliance with the strict standards in force in the European Union. This is our guarantee that the product is safe for the userTECHNICAL DATA:
  • Maximum load: 100 kg
  • Product dimensions (L x W x H): 156 cm x 51 cm x 235.5 cm
  • Carton or package dimensions (L x W x H): 116 cm x 55 cm x 11 cm
  • Weight: 38 kg
  • Room height: The product is intended for rooms with a height of 235.5 cm
  • Intended use: from the age of 3
  • Made of: wood, plastic, rubber, cotton
  • Ladder and bar: non-slip surface
  • All bolts, nuts and holes are closed and with special plastic plugs
  • Mounting method: wall or expansion mounting between the floor and the ceiling
  • Akcesoria: 8-stopniowa drabinka scienna, horizontal bar, 2 kólka gimnastyczne, lina gimnastyczna, drabinka sznurkowa
  • Warranty: 2 yearsMOVING INNOVATION
  • Our innovative exercise equipment was awarded by W.
  • „Moving Innovation” to znak jakosci do okreslania wartosci urzadzen sluzacych do aktywnosci pod wzgledem ruchu, nauki i zabawy, tak aby byl tak latwy w obsludze dla rodziców, nauczycieli, trenerów i innych uzytkowników i w celu zapewnienia dokladnych wskazówek przy podejmowaniu decyzji o zakupie.A SPECIALIST ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS
  • Prof. Dr Harald Lange, Faculty of Sports Sciences, specialization: Sports Education and Didactics and Physical Education at the University of WATTENTION! The film is illustrative material. The equipment presented in it may slightly r
Product Type
Training equipment
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